VERY URGENT - PAID: Many roles in student short film project

Men and women 8 - 50 Years old, All regions


Genre: Drama
A stay-home husband puts on a front in the presence of his headstrong, working wife. What could motivate such a man?
Final year student short film from the diploma in Film, sound and video, Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

Husband (25-50 years old):
- Speaks mandarin, routine person, pleasant-natured, docile.

Wife (25-50 years old):
- Independent, headstrong. Family breadwinner.

Son (8-14 years old):
- Obedient, only child.

FOOD + $30 PER DAY, Final product will be given to actors as well.

Auditions 11/5/2016 - 13/5/2016 (@ Ngee Ann Polytechnic), Shoot will take place 20-21 May 2016.

If you are interested, please send your application today and please do make sure that your profile is updated with new pictures and information about you.

  • Casting had ended