40 years old, Kiev, Singapore
We are Artem and Maria Konchakovsky professional circus performers would like to present our beautiful show that took us ten months to create,
Acrobatic multi genre 50min show with interactive technologies by Duo Konchakovsky.
This show is include a seven circus acts - Quick Change, Duo Aerial Straps, Original Solo Juggling, Duo Fitballs Acrobatic with Juggling, Solo Aerial Lyra, Duo Hand to Hand, Duo Aerial Silks and amazing story that will take your breath away! There is only two artist on stage that will bring you an impressive emotion try whole show! You will feel the WOW effect 100%
This show is something unusual,magical and unique!
Physical info
40 years old
Modelling experience: None
Acting experience: None
Singing experience: None
Dancing experience: A lot
Performed in theater
Participated in dancing shows
Danced in a group
Job interests
Modelling jobs
Swimsuit/underwear model
Participation in singing group
Dancing for a singer/group
Singing/dancing in theater
Movie/TV - acting
Movie/TV - extra